Anonymous 2
Hi Clive,
Sorry for the delay in writing, but we’ve been busy catching up with friends and family!
We just wanted to say thank you for the drive down. Both John and James were fantastic. My eldest daughter (grand old age of 9!) was nervous about having someone else drive us home, but as soon as she saw John, she said ‘oh he seems really nice, I’m happy with him driving!!’ The pick up was smooth, John was very helpful and patient as we put the car seats in, the drive was fantastic and the hand over at Taunton timed perfectly. Poor James never heard a peep out of any of us as we all promptly fell straight to sleep and didn’t wake up until a few miles from home.
After travelling over on a – sleepless- overnighter having someone drive us down was exactly what we needed. We did the journey back in January and we had to continually swap over to stay awake and it took forever. We are really looking forward to the drive back up now!
If possible, could we please get a receipt for the journeys as we are entitled to claim the cost back from work.
Thank you again.
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